How important are heroes?

Since I was a child, a grand amount of professors were decisive in the choice that I made for my future: being a Nursery Educator. Professors are, in addition to parents and primary caregivers, who encourage children to develop their abilities, to improve and to believe in themselves to achieve all of this. As Rita Pierson says in her speech, the relationship between the professor and the child is one of the most important things to develop both self-esteem and academics achievements.

However, it’s almost unavoidable that we won’t find one single professor who doesn’t like their job. Who teaches because they have to, not because they believe in purposes, in achievements and most importantly: in children. Even though, as a professional, I’d like to make a change in that field. Demonstrate that when you, as a professor, trust in children they would trust in you too to encourage them.

I believe that this is the kind of heroes Pierson was talking about in her speech, professors who not only teach but develop, help, improve and encourage children to achieve their goals. As a result of this we, as professors, will not only help them but also us in our professional development. Relationships became the baseline then, where we can make the difference between just teach and teaching with a purpose based on children.


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