Money spent on books.

The following report is concerning a line graph that shows the money spent on books among four different countries: Germany, France, Italy and Austria.

From zero to one hundred millions of dollars, and between 1999 and 2005, the line graph has four lines crossing it:

  • Green: which represents Germany; demonstrate that from the first 80 million German people started spending increased considerably until 1999, when it fell significantly until 2003, almost reaching their first amount, however, it gradually increased until 2005 when it reached its peak getting almost 100 million.

  • Blue: representing France shows that French people started at 1995 spending almost 60 million of dollars, digit that slowly increased through the years until in 2001 it suddenly boomed almost reaching 80 million.

  • Yellow: showing Italy, their money spent on books fluctuated between 50 and 60 million from 1995 to 2003, where it gradually increased reaching more than 60 million in 2005.

  •  Dark green: starting in 300 million, Austria significantly increased when it reached 40 million in 1999, remaining constant until 2001 when it extremely jumped from 40 to more than 60 million, and it kept increasing slowly reaching a peak at 2005 with more than 70 million.

The line graph clearly shows that Germany was at the beginning, in 1995, the country that spent the most amount of money in books, amount that just kept increasing among the years. While France and Italy started between the same kind of numbers, 50 and 60 million, their increase was a lot less than Austria, which reached a gap of more than 40 million.

As a conclusion, Germany kept their position as the country that has spent the most amount of money in books through the years, but Austria was the country that achieved the highest gap between their start point in 1995 until 2005.


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