Cell-phones in the classroom.

The use of cell-phones in classrooms may vary depending on the finality they are utilized for, that is why they could have as many advantages as disadvantages.

It is demonstrated that the use of cell-phones on our daily life can helps us on our daily tasks, as so to solve problems, resolve and emergency, among others. However, youth tends to use it for being communicated at the social media instead of giving it an educational purpose, and as a result of that the question comes up: is it beneficial the use of cell-phones in classrooms?

The complete prohibition of cell-phones in classes can derives in a quieter, organized classroom; students can focus all their attention up to the professor because they do not have their cell-phones near or turned on as an imminent distraction.

As an opposite, using cell-phones as a tool can improve the way to impart the class. Professors can use it, for example, as a personal dictionary for each student, or as a calculator. Cell-phones can be a quicker searcher for not knowing topics meanwhile the class is imparted and students do not have to ask all of their questions to the professor, in that way, the class can go on easily and without interruptions.

In conclusion, the use of cell-phones in classrooms would rely on the indications of the professor and the disposition of the students to follow them. It can be a very useful tool if it is used it in the correct way, and a harmful problem if they are used it as a distraction.


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