Primary School methods used in Nursery Education.

With an increase in the search for high-quality education, many schools have started to ask for little children who are going to integrate their educational establishment a series of capacities that they are not supposed to know. Due to the fact, those are taught at primary school. In response, kindergarten establishments have started to teach with Primary school methods, standardizing nursery education to be similar to that of schools.

One of the biggest problems at Nursery Education it's that it's not seen with the acknowledgment that deserves as pedagogy, usually despised by the other ones. That’s why it becomes really hard to plead for the correct recognition at nursery education, due to the fact that it can be easily replaced for others because it’s falsely considered by them as not important.

In a bigger scale, Nursery Education as well as Primary Education have different bases, the first one is focused in the development of the abilities of children among psychological and academic. Primary Educations is only centered in the last one.

Teach mathematics, make written tests and oral expositions are tasks that are not contemplated in the Curricular Bases of Nursery Education; however, they are being implemented in kindergartens because of the social necessity to standardize every aspect of the education. If every aspect of education is implemented in the same way, would mean less work for professors, auditors and for the MINEDUC.

Nursery Education has different methods that are against these imposed practices, usually called the traditionalist ones, trying to keep focusing their education in children. 

These are a few examples of this methods:

  • Pikler Method: Created by Dr. Pikler after the Second World War, is an educational method focused in the autonomy of the child.

  • Montessori Method: Created by Maria Montessori at the end of XIX century, is an educational method where everything in the classroom has their reason to be there, centered in the simple experience of children to discover their environment.

  • Waldorf Method: Created by the conceptions of the philosopher Rudolf Steiner in 1919, is an educational method centered in develop the social and practical abilities of people.

These untraditional educational methods could be the solution to this standardized way of teaching that children are living nowadays, each one of them contributing to their integral development without trying to convert Nursery Education in a first step to Primary School.


  1. Hello Valeria,
    This is a good text. There are a few errors that need addressing. The second paragraph needs some changes in terms of structure. Does this part refer to the context or the problem? I have the feeling it is the problem but I am not sure.


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